
Wow. So much has changed since my last post in January, but here we are making it through. I must say that despite everything that is going on, I consider myself extremely lucky and grateful over the last few months, but that’s another blog post.

Since we won’t be traveling any time soon, I thought it would be an opportune time to revisit some of the travels I did last year, but didn’t have a chance to tell you about. First up: Korea! Since it was by far the biggest surprise of 2019.

I went on my first big work trip towards the end of last year. It was pretty epic actually. Nearly two weeks away that started with a business class flight from Denver to Tokyo, some very nice hotel stays, 3 cities and two countries. We had jam packed days with two factory visits a day, dinners most nights, so we were out and about from 8am or earlier and not back until 8 or 9pm, not to mention the two hours that I tried to squeeze in in the morning for doing actual work. I don’t know how these full time business travelers do it.

Funny thing about this is that I am always hesitant about going to Asia. I have just never really felt a click with many of the countries I have visited (China, The Philippines, Vietnam), yet I find myself coming back for one reason or another and I must say that it’s starting to grow on me. I’ve been to Japan a couple of times now and I just love the food, the scenery and the people. Will would like to go to Asia at some point and I always think that Japan would be a great place to take him – the food alone is worth the trip. After experiencing the grittiness of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, our work trip took us to Seoul – and boy oh boy was I impressed.


I had one free day there and decided to explore the city on foot. I walked and walked and walked. There are a number of cool palaces in the city, giving it this old world meets new world vibe. I found absolutely charming streets lined with trees, cute shops and little cafes. I also had some great food , just randomly picked up here and there from tiny storefronts. Continue reading